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United States
Delisa Eads-Wagar, Arkansas
Facebook - Metamorphosis in Wool
I enjoy helping others find and fulfill their goals in felting in 2D wool painting, 2. D relief, and 3D sculpture. I have been teaching felting since 2016 when I began working with the Arkansas Craft School (In person classes have been suspended since the pandemic.) My specialties are detail work, wet felting, clothing design and structure, fantasy characters and steampunk; anything unusual, and needing problem solving, sparks my creativity, especially with students. My felting friend, Sabine, and I developed the feather technique and tools which we shared with Sarafina. I also worked with PBS on a children’s program which highlighted “felting as my friend.” I am happy to be a Certified Instructor representing Sarafina Fiber Art. I teach beginners through advanced felters combining my own skill set with Sarafina techniques.
I spend my time divided between The Ozarks in Arkansas and The Shenandoah Mountains in Virginia. Thank you for reading all of the way to the bottom. I look forward to connecting and felting together!
Angelina Fleury, Connecticut
Facebook - American Made Crafters by A&W
Email: Landline 860-698-2603/ Cell 860-748-8258
Angelina Fleury is a fiber artist and instructor based in Connecticut. She specializes in instruction for needle felting, wet felting, fleece washing, and carding. Her passion and penchant for fiber art shines through as a demonstrator and guest speaker at the various guilds, small business, and events she attends. Angelina teaches at many local libraries to share the craft and introduce it to new felters. She is also available for private and group classes on a regular basis. Her home and studio are in Somers, CT.
Lori Neumann, Connecticut
Facebook - Menagerie
I am a fiber artist with a love for animals and anything fuzzy! I love to share my knowledge and love of art from my experience at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts to years later using bits of wool fluff to create something special. I incorporate the why and what-if to take the mystery out of art for anyone who wants to just enjoy being creative. I live on a farm with a variety of animals including Lincoln Longwool sheep (which are on the Livestock Conservancy preservation "Threatened" list of fewer than 1000 animals registered in the US!), Angora goats, retired Hackney show ponies, a donkey, a pig and chickens. I exhibit my art and teach locally in southern CT and RI as well as in the Louisville area of Kentucky where my daughter resides and shows her American Saddlebreds. My art has garnered awards along the way but the biggest reward is helping others achieve their goals. There's nothing more fun than seeing a little critter or a rural scene come to life for someone to enjoy. I teach both three-dimensional animal needle felting and "tapestry" style wool painting classes in person and Zoom online as well as basic wet felting classes in person. I am available to teach workshops as well as one:one, from beginner to complex projects. To join my email list to get the "Once-A-Month or So" emails with a list of upcoming events, please email me at
Susan Tague, Connecticut
What do you want to create? Susan is available to teach you how to make your own special fiber creation using Sarafina felting techniques and projects.
Channel your inner artist and creative side by contacting Susan for an open and friendly classroom that promotes creativity and will inspire you to explore the world of felting. Susan will teach techniques that are appropriately aligned with a student’s skill level and knowledge to ensure that they have an enjoyable learning experience. So, contact Susan now to begin creating a special private class for you or a felting fiesta if you want to include a few friends.
She will be teaching at several local yarn shops and at her studio in Windsor, CT and is willing to travel to teach.
Feel free to contact her for more information.
Marsha Minutella, Delaware
Facebook and Instagram - MarshaNealStudio
Email: Blog:
Marsha has a BS degree in Entomology, and a MA in Ceramics and has come into teaching beginner needle felting classes locally after working at Sarafina Fiber Art (2014-present). If you have a space that can hold a class and want to have 5-10 students, please contact Marsha via email with information. Will drive up to an hour away for classes that have a minimum amount of students (details can be discussed via email.)
Rae Lin Aller, Idaho
Facebook - Creations for Sandpoint, Inc.
Rae Lin works with Creations Discovery Museum and Art Studio teaching kids (and adults!) the joy of needle felting. For more information visit their website, Facebook page, or call (208)255-1782
Julie Adams, Kentucky
Facebook - Julie's Fiber Treasures
Julie's fiber journey began in 2013 when her friend called her up and said "I bought some alpacas, what do I do with them?" Thus began a love, bordering on obsession, of all things fiber. While her main focus is sculptural needle felting, she also has experience with wet felting, dyeing, eco printing, fiber processing, and spinning. Julie has been recognized with a Best In Show at the 2019 Kentucky State Fair, several First-place awards from local Art Shows, and is a juried member of the Louisville Artisans Guild. She has developed a relationship with the Kentucky Natural Fiber Center in Millersburg, KY ( where she holds classes throughout the year, and is also available to teach in your home.
Patience Coale Renzulli, Kentucky
Facebook - Patience Coale Renzulli
Patience comes from a family of teachers and married into a family of artists. Her felted sculptures have been juried into prestigious fiber art shows including the international Fantastic Fibers show of 2020, at which her piece sold. She is excited to share her love of this medium through the time tested successful Sarafina techniques. Patience holds workshops at Ephemera Paducah and teaches and does demos at the Art Guild of Paducah.
Nancy Scott, Minnesota
Facebook: Arcadia Arts
I am 2 years into needle felting and completely obsessed. From the fiber to the amazing technique that Sara has developed I love it all! I am currently still running my business of 24 years as a Building Official to local jurisdictions and hope to retire soon. I have always been ‘crafty’ and often participated in craft shows with my crochet items, mainly amigurumi (3D), so finding this craft has felt (pun intended) like a natural transition for me. I look forward to the ongoing learning process and eventually sharing that with the general public. Until I retire I plan to teach on a limited basis and offer supplies for sale. (320)293-5298
Gayle Mathues, Maryland
Gayle Mathues has been needle felting since 2017 in a serious way. Her specialty is teaching 3-D animals but she is also exploring wet felting and 2-D dry felting. Gayle is arranging to teach classes starting in the spring of 2022 in her 'studio’ in her home. Gayle also has her work for sale at Off Track Art Gallery in Westminster, MD and has participated successfully in many craft shows over the years, including the Carroll County Artists Studio Tour for the last 3 years. Gayle's style is primarily realistic with a touch of whimsey and humor in the sculpture's expression. Gayle can be found at 307 Beacon Mews Court, Westminster, MD 21157
Jackie Wingfelder, New York
Facebook and Instagram - WingfelderFiberStudio
As a Waldorf teacher for many years, Jackie slipped into fiber arts and never looked back. She annually shows her work at the juried Canandaigua Christkindl Market in Canandaigua, New York, where she has won the recognition of “Best in Fiber” and “Best in Show” several times. She teaches needle-felting, Waldorf dollmaking, and other fine and applied arts in and around her hometown of Buffalo, NY. Jackie happily works with students 9-99 and if you are interested in learning more, please check out her website for upcoming classes or contact her at
Sue Zuber, New York
Facebook - Sue Z's Fiber Art
Sue is an accomplished felter with seven years of experience and an eye for proportions and details. She has participated in many Level 5 Workshops with Sara in Maryland. Sue is available to travel for instruction as well as conducting workshops on her farm in Rochester. She teaches both 3D and 2D felting. Check out what's new with Sue on her Facebook page! Please inquire: 585-746-4083 or
Cindy Fletcher, Ohio
Facebook - CJFletcher Felting
Cindy J. Fletcher is a self-taught needle-felting artist who lives in East Palestine, Ohio. She learned needle-felting primarily from following the tutorials on the Sarafina Fiber Art website and on YouTube. She specializes in creating larger 3-D realistic animals, especially animals who live in the wild. Cindy started needle felting in 2021 and rarely has a day pass when she doesn’t have a project underway, be it for a commission or for her own enjoyment. She offers small, personal classes in her home, although she has taught larger needle-felting classes at her local library, high school and other venues. Cindy is always willing to share her tips, tricks and techniques with anyone who needs help! She posts her upcoming classes on her Facebook page at CJFletcher Felting. She can be contacted by calling 330-426-9091, by texting to 330-853-0940 or by emailing her at
Patti Cornelius, Pennsylvania
Facebook and Instagram - Archie's Dragon
Email: Phone: 717-682-2552
Patti is a wool artist, a children’s book author and a teacher who taught cartooning and creative writing to young students. She loves sculpting a shapeless piece of wool into a unique piece of art. Her creations have appeared in shops as well as juried arts and craft shows.
Find out what lurks inside a bundle of wool by signing up for a needle felting class or requesting a class or workshop.
Debbie Paul, Pennsylvania
Facebook and Instagram - debbiefeltlikeit
Email: Cell# 412-554-7477
Hi, my name is Debbie and I am from Acme, PA. I am a knitter, crocheter, watercolorist and do colored pencil pet portraits. I fell madly in love with felting from the first Sarafina tutorial I stumbled upon. My husband and I own a Winery called Stone Villa Wine Cellars in Acme, PA. I love to hold classes in one of our side rooms at the winery. Classes are called Sip and Felt. We work on our project first then share a little social time sipping wine and some lite snacks. Will do private groups and travel to other location sites. Let’s get together and felt! Stone Villa Wine Cellars, 461 Alice Rd. Acme, PA 15610
Christine Greenwood, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire
Raised in New Hampshire, I attended Skidmore college in upstate New York, where I earned a BS in studio art with a concentration in painting and jewelry design. I began my art teaching career in York, Maine before marrying and moving to suburban Philadelphia. I teach art and photography at The Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. When Summer arrives, the family packs up and heads to Wolfeboro, NH. I look forward to the time-off from school to felt all-day and begin teaching classes to individuals and small groups. Felting has become a passion for me since starting in December of 2020. My other passions include cooking/baking (yep, I do both), reading, knitting/crocheting, painting, and drawing. I am very excited to be a part of this group of extremely talented individuals and look forward to the opportunity to work with those interested in discovering felting. For the summer, workshops through the Wolfeboro, NH library are in the works and private classes may be arranged by contacting me at
Melony Malsom, South Dakota
Melony is a South Dakota artist and the author of The Sea Wolf series. Her passion includes teaching others fiber sculpting through needle felt, as well as wet felting techniques. Her interest in fiber art was piqued two years ago and has not wavered since then. "The freedom of expression needle felting, wet felting, and fiber art, in general, gives to the artist is immeasurable. For me, it provides a focus and a welcome relief from stress and anxiety. There is no doubt that of all the artistic mediums that exist, needle felting is therapy for the soul." Melony is located in Aberdeen South Dakota and does felting workshops throughout the year at various locations. Those interested can contact her via her email: Please check out her author website and blog: (Be sure to click the 'play' button!)
Jennifer Hanlon, Tennessee
Facebook - Hanlon's Creative Corner
Hello everyone! My name is Jen Hanlon and I am a self taught multi-media artist living in Johnson City, TN with an obsession with needle felting. I started needle felting in 2020 after discovering the beautiful needle felted creations on Pinterest, and after lots of YouTube videos I found Sara, Kyla, and Milo's videos on Sarafina. I was hooked! After watching the videos, many hours of practice, trial and error, and the goal of making beautiful creations with wool, I was able to accomplish making several creations from Sara's videos, and have moved on to making my own creations. Currently, I am teaching classes at the Exchange Place in Kingsport, TN, and the information for the classes can be found on my website or on Facebook. Please contact me via email to be added to the workshop waitlist. I am willing to travel up to an hour away to teach a class, if you are interested in hosting a class, please contact me via email to discuss details. Have a wonderful day!
Claudia Kunz, Texas
Facebook - Fibers and Fairytales
Email: claudia@fibersandfairytales
Claudia’s journey into fiber art began in 2010 when her oldest son had started kindergarten at the Austin Waldorf School. On popular request she started to sew dolls and knitting clothes for them (remembering the long ago learned and almost forgotten handwork skills) and not long after finding never ending fascination in needle and wet felting.
Claudia hopes to ‘spark a fire for felting’ in you in one of her workshops. She’s is offering handwork and felting workshops for adults and children in her studio in the Oak Hill area.
Debbie Hussey, Utah
Facebook - DebHusseyCreations
Hello, my name is Debbie, and I am located in beautiful St. George, Utah. I retired and now I have more time to spend on my artistic abilities and thoroughly enjoying this time in my life. I became a Certified instructor with Sara Renzulli as she has been my mentor via tutorials for the past 10 years.
I currently teach in a small art village Kayenta in Ivins, UT and sometimes out of my home studio. I really enjoy the teaching aspect of this art form. If you are interested in getting a group together for a class, just contact me and we can figure out the details.
Lee Charlton, Virginia
Facebook and Instagram - FeltingFarmerLady or
Lee is happy to provide private lessons/feedback for folks at any level and love when people find 3-4 of their friends and request a specific class. Lee will teach any Sarafina projects as well as her own projects, including needle felting, wet felting, dyeing locks, botanical print classes and spinning.
Barbara Posey, Virginia
A founding member of Artful Dimensions Gallery, an all 3D art gallery in Fredericksburg, Virginia, I started felting in 2009. A show of felted work at another local gallery intrigued me, and the moment I stabbed a wad of wool with a needle and ended up with a Santa Claus, I was hooked. I have never worked with a more forgiving medium, and the ability of a simple needle to bring a character to life is downright magic. I love making living creatures, both the kind you might encounter in your backyard or in the wild and the kind you would need a ticket to Narnia or Oz to run into. Most of my work is needle felted, but I also wet felt, both as part of needlefelted creatures and as two-dimensional (or 2 and a half if it’s a bas-relief) images.
I am currently teaching remotely, though I hope to resume in-person teaching soon. I prefer to teach one-on-one or small groups, maximum 6. I will teach children between 6 and 10 with a family adult supervising, and older children on their own if desired. And of course adults of any age. I am happy to work with all levels of skill and it’s always a particular joy to introduce someone to this amazing medium.
Sheila McCoy, Washington
Small group workshops and individual instruction offered. I'm located in the South Puget Sound area (Puyallup, WA). Contact me to be put on my mailing list and I'll send you information on upcoming opportunities.
Justine Heinrichs, Wisconsin
Facebook and Instagram - justineteachesfelting
Email: 262-305-7386
Hello, my name is Justine Heinrichs. I am an orchestra teacher of 35 years. I discovered felting in 2017 and was hooked! I found my inner artist and the most satisfying and forgiving medium there is. I love and teach it all 3D, 2D, pet portraits, landscapes, needle felting and wet felting. There is nothing I find more satisfying than helping others find their inner artist too. I am available to teach workshops as well as small groups and one on one. I'm more than happy to help people troubleshoot their projects. I am here to help!
Trisha Scott, Canada
Facebook - Turquoise Jungle Cat
Email: 1-778-708-7703
Stephanie Lester, United Kingdom
Email: and
Stephanie still marvels at the process of needle felting that results in a fibre sculpture and likes to think of it as fibre alchemy! Whilst selling her own sculptures is a joy, and she has recorded many techniques on her YouTube channel: Tootique Channel, nothing is more enjoyable to her than sharing this fabulous process through live courses.
Stephanie will be advertising set courses on her website and Facebook pages but if you want to do something different or at a different level please contact her directly. Individuals, groups and all levels – Stephanie will teach any Sarafina projects plus her own creations.